Wednesday 25 November 2015

Christmas decorations - made by me.

My Christmas tree is 100% handmade decorations. Not all made by me - for the past few years I have taken part in Christmas decoration swaps, where you make 10 decorations and send them off to people, and you get 10 in return.  It is really fun and I love seeing what has arrived in the mailbox each day.  I thought I might share some of the decorations I have made in the past, to perhaps provide inspiration and ideas.  I will post photos of decorations I have received in swaps in a separate post.

Felt ornaments. Basic shapes, stuffed lightly, and decorated with strips of felt, ric-rac, ribbons beads and embroidery thread.
 Felt Christmas Tree. Basic triangle shape, decorated with used jewellery and beads.
 Felt cupcake and christmas pudding.
 Needle felted heart on a white background of wool roving.
 Felt stars decorated with beads.
 Wooden craft shapes painted gold/silver. I used permanent markets to draw on them and glitter paint to decorate.
 Felt craft shapes decorated with glitter paint.
 Fabric yoyo's with a button in the middle.  Simply cut a circle out of fabric, use running stitch around the edge and gather the ends together to create a yoyo. Fasten in the centre and cover with a button.
 Fabric flowers. Petals made using semicircles of fabric, folded over and gathered together to create petals. A small yoyo stitched on front and button to decorate.
 Found this idea on Pinterest.  I cut out 6 circles of felt and laid them on top of each other and sewed them together up the centre. I then attached each circle together to its neighbour as shown.

3 Wise Men made out of a semicircle of felt, and scraps of fabric.

Wooden craft shapes: stars. Painted in gold/silver paint, and decorated with ribbons, lace, stick-on gems and sequins.

 Papier mache ornaments bought at Spotlight a few years ago when they had a post-Christmas clearance sale. Painted and decorated using decoupage, ribbon, lace, glitter, stick-on gems, wire & beads, and covered in a coating of gloss medium to finish them off and protect them.


Needle felted ornaments: owls and Christmas puddings.

Saw this idea on Pinterest. Wooden coasters decorated with tea-stained paper printed with sheet music as the background, pictures of birds cut out and stuck on; a layer of gloss medium over the top to finish and protect; and ribbon/beads/ric-rac hot glued around the edge.
A variety of wire and bead ornaments. The crosses were made using thick wire to form the shape, and wrapped in light wire threaded with beads .

Stars were created by threading beads onto a length of wire, fastened securely and then bent into a star shape.


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